Monday, December 22, 2008


The person that wrote the words to the song "Let it snow" obviously didn't have kids trying to get home for Christmas. Oh......we have had quite the weather. It is sunny out today....but we are covered with snow. Flights in and out of Seattle are canceled and that is where Carolyn and Brent have a layover. Hopefully they can at least make it that far and then we can chain up and get over the pass if it is open. The whole state has been hit hard with a winter storm. My brother in Spokane has been hit the hardest. They have about 3 feet of snow. The snow plow got stuck there today. That is not a good sign. So.....while all this is beautiful and I hate a brown christmas......ENOUGH!!! NO MORE SNOW! I just want to get my kids home safe and sound. Once they arrive then we can Let it snow....let it snow....let it snow. Kevin and Stacie arrived safely in Wisconsin. I did get a text from him today and he said it is bitter cold back there. Wishing everyone a very merry christmas and I hope all of your loved ones makes it home for the holidays.


Grant Haws said...

Oh no! At least Carolyn and Brent are together if they get stuck...but yeah, snow plows getting stuck ain't a good sign...I hope they get home safe though.

The Jackson Clan said...

I do hope Caroly will get there safe. We got hit hard to and we are out shoveling everyday. I send my love and a MERRY CHRISTMAS to you and your family.

The Jackson Clan said...

So did Carolyn arive in safty yet. I sure hope so I would hate for her to be suck in an airport for christmas that would not be fun!!!!

Chandra said...

Yes.....they made it. Two hours late arriving in Spokane but they arrived. Roads were very dangerous coming home. Lots of ice. Glad to be back safely.