Saturday, April 10, 2010

Wedding weekend

Brent and Carolyn came home for a very quick weekend trip. Brent was walking his mom down the aisle for her wedding. Carolyn's cousin Julianne was nice enough to curl Carolyn's hair for the wedding. I don't think she had any idea how thick her hair is. She has short hair....but there is a ton of it. It was sure nice to have them home even if they were very busy. We did manage a Chico's pizza night when they first arrived and a matinee the next day. Carolyn and I even fit in some shopping where we each got some new clothes. Carolyn....those shoes I bought you were so dang cute. It's to bad they couldn't stay a little longer but Brent had to get back to school and Carolyn to work. That's okay....we will see them in just a couple of weeks for graduation.

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