Wednesday, June 4, 2008

All Grown up

I can't believe that three weeks from today my little boy will be all grown up and getting married. It seems like yesterday that he was sitting next to me reading Tom Sawyer, or playing little league, or competing in Science olympiad, or running a race. I am so excited to join him in the sealing room as he and his beautiful fiance are sealed together. As Kevin was growing up I would often ponder what kind of girl he would marry. We are so excited....she is just awesome. I can't wait for Stacie to be part of our family. They are a perfect fit for each other. I can't believe that in a span of six months I will have two married children. I'm starting to feel old. I am looking forward to the new phase of my life when I get to watch my children raise their children....and I just get to spoil them.

1 comment:

Carolyn said...

"Or singing about Christopher Columbus." -Brent Hirz