Sunday, March 22, 2009

Rock a bye baby

I'm going to be a grandma!!!!! Carolyn told us Friday that she is pregnant. We were all so excited to get the news. Carolyn and Brent are thrilled. Scott laughed when we went to Walmart lastnight and I went straight to the baby section. Hey.....I'm going to be a grandma.....that's my spoil that baby. I can't wait to start shopping. There is so much more cool stuff than when I had babies. Congrats Carolyn and Brent. You are going to be great parents.....and your baby is going to have an awesome grandma!!!


Stacie Lou said...

I'm so excited and I'm so happy for you! I'm sure you and Scott are going to be remarkably awesome grandparents. Oh man, I can't wait! I can't wait!

Leslie said...

Hey - I remember seeing a bag filled with exciting clothes at grandpa's last summer!! Why go shopping at walmart when you can get your hands on some sweet treasure like that?!? Haha just kidding. Congrats to you all!

Grant Haws said...

I am so excited for you! And that child is going to be so obscenely spolied by its grandma! Congratulations!

The Jackson Clan said...

That is what grandmas are for!!! Have fun shopping. I agree with Les and grampa isnt even there so here would know anyone was there. Just kidding. Congrats!!!

Lyle and Mary: said...

I am so excited for you guys!! You can never start the spoilage too soon.

Mike and Lisa said...

I love the Wal Mart baby dept. Its a regular stop for me too. You'll be such a fun grandma!! Congrats!

Neighbor Jane Payne said...

Congrats, congrats, congrats!

Melanie said...

Yippie!!! I am super excited about the news of a new little baby! :) I already told Leslie, but the solution to the baby clothes fight is this.... She will get them first (And hopefully not wear them out) and then pass them on to Carolyn. It will work out perfectly! haha! I am just really sad that Parker is too big for them all.