Tuesday, May 26, 2009

A little weary

As I was walking in for my missionary meeting on Sunday I met up with my hubby. He said the Nursing home had just called and dad had taken a downturn. The night before he was quiet but up in his wheelchair and we took him outside and fed him a blizzard. Well, he refused breakfast sunday morning and they couldn't bring him around for lunch. So....we went straight to the nursing home. Dad was weak. He would open his eyes for short moments....but didn't say anything. We went and got Scott's brothers. We spent 11 hours up there on Sunday. Memorial Day brought about the same results. Very weak. Finally got a bit of soup and juice down him at dinner. My brother in law Jim rushed up from Boise where he was visiting his brand new grandson that had been born the night before......Congrats Leslie and Matt. He gave dad a beautiful blessing. Talked about how valiant he had been. Told him how many people were anxiously awaiting his arrival on the other side. It was an emotional blessing....but it also gave each of us great peace. I went and sat with dad this morning for three hours. Normally the room is crowded with family but today it was just me and dad. He was very restless. Opened his eyes about every five minutes and asked for help....but then would close them again. If I held his hand and stroked his hair he would settle down. Once he was getting agitated and I took his hand and told him "It's okay dad. I'm right here with you." He took my hand to his mouth and kissed it and whispered "I love you" That made the whole morning worthwhile. The nurse finally gave him some valium and he calmed down allowing me to run home for a couple hours. It is so hard to see him struggling this way. My faith is taking a beating the last couple of days. We are all praying that the Lord will release him from his earthly body and let him go home to be with mom. It is heartbreaking to see him. We just sit there....but it is so emotionally exhausting. He is such a good man. So many people in this town love and admire him. I pray that the Lord will bless him for his goodness and bring him home.


Grant Haws said...

You are such an awesome person Chandra, I'm praying that you and Scott find comfort through all of this. I love ya.

melanie said...

Whoa, this post should begin with a warning.... tears ahead. It is such a painful, draining spot for a family to be in and I'm praying for comfort and peace to find you guys. He's so blessed to have you. Let me know if I can help with anything!! Hang in there.

Carolyn said...

Oh Grandpa. I wish I could be there to hold his hand.

Neighbor Jane Payne said...

Chandra, this is so touching. Every week I see him at the rest home when I go to visit my friend, I stop and tell him hello and think about the good he's done. I'm hoping he doesn't have to struggle long.

Thanks again for comforting and helping so many.

The Jackson Clan said...

;( I wish I could be there. I just wish I was there.

Brittany said...

Chandra, thank you so much for being there for Grandpa through all of this. I'm sure you've been there more than the rest of us have, and I know he appreciates it. I'm glad I was able to see him over the weekend, and I'm hoping and praying as well that he doesn't have to suffer like this for much longer.

ShEiLa said...
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ShEiLa said...

Let me try this again...

Didn't have my thoughts complete and it didn't make sense.

I am so glad you get to be there for Scott's Daddy. It is so hard to lose a parent... but even harder to watch someone you love suffer.

Very kind of you to help him through the moments of agitation I remember that with my G.pa Neil.

I hope the Lord will bless you and your whole family through this difficult time.
