Friday, October 30, 2009

What's wrong with this picture?

So......Scott and I have been checking everywhere for H1N1 vaccines. The first round of vaccines that arrived at my clinic were reserved for health care workers and children. They didn't get anywhere near the number of vaccines that they ordered. Vaccines finally arrived at the hospital but are reserved for only health care workers....and those with patient contact have top priority. Thankfully Scott falls under that category so he was able to finally get at least he can't get the virus and bring it home to me from there. There is not a vaccine available in Grant County. My clinic is also out of seasonal flu vaccine because production has slowed to enable getting out more H1N1....and the first seasonal flu vaccines they received were just reserved for children. I sit....feeling a bit like a sitting duck....with a compromised immune system.....and no vaccine.

Yesterday I read a report....that if I wanted to be vaccinated I could commit a crime....because the prison system has plenty of vaccines. Apparently they are high risk because they are in such close quarters. Are you kidding me? Pregnant women and children and those with compromised immune systems have been waiting in line for hours only to be turned away because they ran out of vaccine....but violent criminals are going to be able to get vaccinated ahead of them. Something is seriously wrong with this picture. Murderers....rapists....armed name it......they get to receive their shots because they live in close quarters. Last time I checked.......THEY MADE THE CHOICES THAT PUT THEM THERE! They should be the last ones on the list to receive vaccines. The staff in the prisons should be vaccinated......and that is it! That is just ridiculous.


ShEiLa said...

What crime are you going to commit to get your flu shot?

Definite problem that criminals have plenty of the injections.


ps. I am going to go get your Mom she will love this one.

Grant Haws said...

Yeah, it makes more sense for prison workers to get the vaccine, and for any new prisoners to be quarantined if they show symptoms.

This just means you are going to have to end up in the slammer, AGAIN. Haha...

Lyle and Mary: said...

Jail verses getting the flu...mmm, tough decision. The things you gotta do now days to get good medical care.